Dental Team Vaccine Department of Health Guidelines

Dental Team Vaccine Department of Health Guidelines

Dental Team Vaccine Department of Health Guidelines

The Department of Health guidelines recommend that clinical members of the dental team should be up to date with the following vaccines: 

·       Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine (antibody titres for hepatitis B should be checked one to four months after the completion of a primary course of vaccine).

·       Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine (unless documentation is provided of having received two doses of MMR or having had positive antibody tests for measles and rubella).

·       Chickenpox vaccine if non-immune (protects against chicken pox and shingles).

·       BGC vaccine (protects against TB – immunity tested with Mantoux test).

·       Tetanus, polio, diphtheria (routine vaccinations).

·       Seasonal Flu (annual vaccine)

Non clinical staff such as receptionists and cleaners should be up to date with the following vaccines: 

·       Tetanus, diphtheria, polio, MMR (routine vaccinations).

·       Hepatitis B (a requirement for staff who come into contact with body fluids and blood during their work or there is a risk from sharps injury or splashes such as handling clinical waste).

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