Associate Percentage – Referring Patients

Associate Percentage – Referring Patients


Please could you share how you charge your dentists for the hygiene patients? we are charging the associates a fee for referring patients to the hygienist and others a percentage. We want to offer an incentive for referring and not make the associate feel they are being 'out done by' for sending patients for a S/P. Please could you advise me how you all work out hyg figures for associates?


We charge the patient £35. £15 each to practice and hygienist and £5 to referring dentist which is added to the private monies each month as a gross payment. ie the dentist received the whole £5. This seems to work very well.


We pay the hygienist 40% and give the associates a fee of £4.00 per referral


We give our patients a 15 min slot with our hygienists, the rate that is charged to each dentists is the Hygienists hourly rate divided by 4, i.e £28 per hour / by 4 = £7 per 15 min slot


We charge the dentist the therapist hourly rate. ie if the therapist is paid £40 per hour, we would charge £10 per 15 min appt. if the dentist charges the patient £30 per 15min appt the net fee to the dentist is £20 per 15min appt, which should be an incentive. This is subject to the dentist percentage. ie everything would be at 50% including fees and payment.


Our associate is paid 10% of what the patient pays us for each patient he refers. The hygienists keep daily tables of the number of patients seen and who the referrer is.


Our associates pay 50% of the expenses (hyg included) and receive 50% of their income. This means we pay half of the hyg hours they use and they pay the other half.

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